Monday, August 5, 2013


Hello everyone! It's nice to be back. I have pushed blogging and crocheting to the side for a while to spend some quality time with my sister and her family who have recently visited us from San Diego, California. Obviously, from the pictures above, I finally got to meet my nephew, Isaiah. Yay!! He is the cutest little thing I have laid my eyes on.  He's so charming and friendly. He smiles at everybody he sees that's why everyone has fallen in love with him. If you follow my blog, I'm sure you've seen the beanie and booties that I made for him. I'm so happy it fits him perfectly. Doesn't he look adorable with those bear ears? I hope they warm him up during the cold seasons over there in the US. Too bad it was only for 10 days as my sister needs to go back to work. I really miss them, especially baby Izzy. I guess life is just like that. You don't always get what you want but God is still good. Anyway, I promise to post more as I have a lot more time on my hands now. I hope you all are healthy and happy wherever you may be. <3